Frankie "Nutmeg" Adams
08/31/2009 - 07/25/2024
Obituary For Frankie "Nutmeg" Adams
Nutmeg you came into our lives at a time when we didn't know we needed you the most. You've been with us for 11 years and came to be a very integral part of our family. You ran us. You helped to bring calm to the crazy. You brought us laughs when we were low and always lent ant ear to listen to our hearts.
Your favorite time was bedtime and having a sip or two from the wine glass. Once we went to bed, you were always there to make butter on my legs and belly to get your place to sleep “just right.”
You loved to terrorize Granny just by your mere presence so now it seems to be only fitting that you are with her first for eternity up in heaven. Purr with the angels and look for Aunt Betty. She'll have some Taylor Port for you.
You have left behind your best friend, Torrance; mama, Carol; the two big boys, James and Jacob, and your favorite girl, Jasmine. Your big little sister, Hermione, still looks for you in the house. We all will always miss you and keep you in our hearts until we meet again.
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