Goldie Felton

10/30/2010 - 05/08/2024


Obituary For Goldie Felton

Goldie Felton entered into my life when he was a beautiful little kitten only 7 weeks old in December 2010. He lived up to the reputation that gold cats have. He was wild, frisky, loved to play and jump on everything. He chewed up my shoes when he was a kitten like a little Billy goat! He would attack my daughter every time she walked past him which was so funny! He was such a fun and crazy little kitten. He was a very vocal cat. If I scold him, he would meow long meow sentences ,Or back talk as I would say. lol. He was a pure joy to be around. He grew to be a spoiled loving cat who loved on me so much and would get separation anxiety every time I left him for too long. He loved to sleep at the foot of my bed right on my feet sometimes. At age 7 he was diagnosed with Diabetes. I loved him so much I wanted to care for him the best way I could by giving him his shots, frequent visits with his vet, making sure he ate more healthy foods and loving on him. He fought for so many years. Sadly things started going downhill this past month and he slowly started declining. His liver and heart started failing due to the progression of the diabetes. He was in terrible pain and I no longer wanted him to suffer. I had to make the hardest decision in the world. To put my fur baby to sleep! I had 13 and a half wonderful years with my kitty baby! It was hard but I stayed right by his side rubbing him and comforting him while he took his last breath and it took part of my life away too! I will forever love and miss my Goldie baby! May he rest in heaven with the rest of the fur babies God has gained in heaven! He lives behind his loving mommy Stefanie, his big sister De’ja, his grandmom Star, his uncle Norman. We all loved him dearly and the whole family is in pain over this terrible loss!

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  • 05/11/2024

    Hello. You don't know me but I do subscribe to the obituaries here to see the stories people share about their pets who have crossed over Rainbow Bridge ( So sorry for your loss of Goldie. Thank you so much for sharing his story! I can see he meant the world to you and had a tremendous impact on your life! And thank you for taking care of him like you did after his diagnosis and giving him his best life! What a handsome little boy! 😊. Our pets bring so much unconditional love and joy to our lives. They truly are family members who we create and share memories with. Keep those with you and he will live on in your heart forever. RIP Goldie.

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