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Why It’s Important to Mourn for Your Pet August 25, 2015

Man and women grieving

If you have ever owned a pet, you know that pets are more than just animals. A pet is a member of your family who provides unconditional love and companionship. When a pet passes away, it is only natural to go through the stages of grief.

Mourning for your pet is vital as you to begin to accept the loss and move forward with your life. Here at Paws, Whiskers & Wags, we’ve created this list of meaningful ways to mourn for your pet:

Save Your Pet’s Tags and Collar

By attaching your pet’s tag(s) to a keychain or necklace, you can remember your precious family member. You can also save your pet’s collar and place it into a memorial box with other items such as photos of your pet, his or her favorite toys, etc.

Purchase or Design a Gravestone

To mark the spot of where your pet is buried in a memorable way, you can buy or create a gravestone. The gravestone can be customized with an image of your pet as well as memorial dates with his/her name. Another option is to buy a stone kit and design a beautiful garden stone, dedicated to your pet.

Start a Journal

Writing down your feelings on paper can be extremely comforting. Fill a journal with happy memories of your pet. The journal can also include a tribute to your pet by listing everything you loved about him/her. Then, when you’re missing your beloved pet, you can read the journal and reminisce on your incredible times with him/her.

Get the Ongoing Pet Loss Support You Need at Paws, Whiskers & Wags

If you are currently coping with the loss of a pet, the compassionate community at Paws, Whiskers & Wags, with locations in metro Atlanta and Charlotte, can help you find the comfort you deserve. Please consider joining our free Pet Loss Support Group and benefit from our pet loss support events and additional resources. Contact us today for more information.

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