Whether it happens suddenly, or after a lasting illness, the loss of a pet is devastating. Making decisions during loss is difficult. Having a plan ahead of time will help save you time, money, and stress in the long run.
At Paws, Whiskers & Wags, your pet crematory, we encourage pet parents to plan ahead for their pet’s aftercare. We offer a variety of pet cremation and memorial options designed to suit you and your pet’s particular needs. Use our Preplanning Pet Cremation resources to choose the best aftercare options for your family.

Why Plan Ahead?
Our pets are often our best friends, companions, and family members. Planning ahead prevents you from making hasty decisions that you might later regret. Preplanning allows you to carefully weigh available aftercare options. Families can also set a budget ahead of time.
We offer families the opportunity to plan ahead of their time of need, by securing their wishes and pricing. Provide this preplanning information to your veterinarian, pet sitter, boarding facility, etc. to ensure your wishes are followed when your time of need arises.
Options for Pet Cremation
As you begin to research, learn about the different techniques of pet cremation. Learn about pet crematories and the standards they follow. Not all pet crematories are created alike. Understanding the choices available to you and your pet is important as you plan this final act of love. Learn What Questions You Should Ask Your Pet Crematory.
At Paws, Whiskers & Wags, we believe that your last decision is as important as your first. We know that end-of-life decisions are difficult, and our comforting staff is here to guide you through this final goodbye. Our private pet cremation services include:
- Pet Tracker 360®, which guarantees the ashes you receive are those of your pet
- On-site, dedicated private only cremation chambers at each location
- Comfortable reception area with viewing window if you prefer to witness the cremation
- Cremation services are performed within 24-48 hours of receiving your permission
- Grief support and pet memorials following the loss of your pet
Private Cremation vs. Community Cremation
The main question to consider when deciding if private pet cremation is right for you and your beloved pet is, “Do I want to memorialize my pet following his or her death?” If you answer, “Yes,” to this question, then private pet cremation services may be the ideal end-of-life decision for you and your pet.
Private pet cremation occurs with only one pet inside the cremation chamber, which allows for the complete retrieval of your pet’s cremated remains. With the help of the Pet Tracker 360®, we are able to offer bereaved pet owners the assurance that the ashes they receive belong to their pet.
Community pet cremation occurs when several pets are placed to a maximum weight limit within one cremation chamber. Community cremation makes the retrieval of your pet’s cremated remains impossible, and at Paws, Whiskers & Wags we return communally cremated remains back to the earth.
Plan Ahead with Professional & Compassionate Pet Cremation Services
Preplanning for the loss of your precious pet is never easy, and we understand this difficulty. At Paws, Whiskers & Wags, we provide pet owners with over 20 years of cremation experience. Our state-of-the-art pet cremation facilities provide pet owners a personal way to say good-bye and memorialize beloved pets. Learn more about our compassionate and professional pet cremation services by calling us at (404) 609-1072.
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