Losing a pet is devastating. While some may not understand the significance of your furry friend, Paws, Whiskers & Wags understands that losing a pet means losing a member of your family.
It may seem that everything reminds you of your loss and of the memories associated with your pet. Taking walks, driving in your car, and even little mementos in your home can bring up memories, both sweet and sad.
Healing from such a loss can seem daunting. It may feel as if life may never return to normal without your pet. While things will certainly change after the loss of a pet, a new normal can exist. It is important to work through grief, so that healing can take place.
Healing After the Loss of a Pet
There are many ways to deal with grief. Most people go through a version of the five stages of grief that include guilt, denial, anger, depression and acceptance. Finding and using therapeutic healing methods during these five stages can help bring you through the tunnel of grief to the other side of acceptance and peace.
Some people create memorials for their pets, whether it be a paw print plaque on the mantle or a picture of their furry friend on the bedside table. Others write about their grief and the memories they shared with their beloved pets.
Another great way to deal with grief is to find support from other people. Many find solace in the hugs of a friend or the listening ear of a family member, but one of the greatest ways to heal from grief is to find support from those who have experienced the same loss.
Monthly Pet Loss Support Group
This is where Paws, Whiskers & Wags works to help bereaved pet owners work through their grief in a healthy way. We understand that your furry family member is greatly missed and cannot be replaced, and so we offer a free monthly support group for those who are struggling through this tough transition.
Led by professional social worker Christy R. Simpson, L.C.S.W., who specializes in Pet Bereavement and Grief Recovery, you can share your loss and begin to heal. With over 16 years of experience, Christy understands that times of loss can provide opportunities for growth. Come and share your story. As you share with others, you can bear one another’s burdens, grow stronger together and ultimately heal.
Paws, Whiskers & Wags in Decatur, GA
Come experience the restorative power of sharing with others. Our Pet Loss Support Group sessions are held on the first Tuesday of every month from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at our Decatur location.
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