Baby Tovar

5/11/2013 - 10/31/2024


Obituary For Baby Tovar

Baby has crossed the rainbow bridge unfortunately. I gave him the best 11 years of his life.
But I have felt no greater pain then the moment your heart stopped beating and mine carried on. Home now feels empty and quiet. Silence has never bothered me, except the silence you now left behind. I now have to look at your empty bed. Your water bowl. Your dog food. Your dog bowl, empty. You was the closest thing I had to a son. Josh and I now have to come home to silence. What I would do to just see you run up to us when we come home one last time. I just hope I'll get to see you again one day, so please wait for me. But for now I have to remember you for longer than I've known you.
You were loving, loyal, funny, and just the bestest dog in the world. I miss you.


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  • 11/18/2024

    Hi there. You don't know me but I do subscribe to the obituaries here to see the stories people share about their pets who have crossed over Rainbow Bridge ( So sorry for your loss of Baby. Thank you so much for sharing some of his story. I can see he obviously meant the world to you and had a tremendous impact on your life. And what a handsome boy 😊. Our pets bring so much unconditional love and joy to our lives. They truly are family members who we create and share memories with. Keep those with you and he will live on in your heart forever. RIP Baby.

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