Bobby Garrido

03/10/2008 - 05/22/2024


Obituary For Bobby Garrido

Bobby, my sweet and good boy, thank you for being my best friend, my home, my support and the most valuable thing in my life for 16 years. Having to let you go has been one of the hardest and most painful things I have ever had to go through, I know that you are now running in heaven, happy and pain free, so that gives me a feeling of peace and gratitude. Thank you for your unconditional love and loyalty, thank you for choosing me as your Mom, thank you for giving me so many happy moments and thank you for helping me overcome so many difficult moments in my life, you took a big part of me with you, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU AND I WILL MISS YOU FOREVER, until we meet again, my Bobby, my Babba, Mi NIÑO BUENO!

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  • 06/19/2024

    ...No fue mucho lo que pudimos compartir contigo querido Bobby pero viniste a este mundo a alegrar corazones en especial el de tu Mami, ahora se que estás en un lugar muy parecido lleno de amor porque se que tu mami te dio todo el amor del mundo, y a tu Mami quiero expresar mi cariño y apoyo por tu partida, te extrañaremos pero llevamos en el corazón, feliz viaje Bobby 🙏🏻❤️

  • 06/04/2024

    Bobby - you were a sweet, loving Boy! You really were Emily's Baby! You will be missed. Enjoy puppy heaven!

  • 06/01/2024

    Dear Bobby, You were so much more than just a pet - you were our aunt's constant companion, protector, and confidant. Through the highest highs and lowest lows, you were always there for her. Your unconditional love was truly appreciated and we miss you so much but we are now sure that you are jumping and running in the sky and you're free of pain, and that is the most important thing. I'll forever cherish the memories we made every Christmas and tiny vacations you spent with us. You brought such boundless enthusiasm and zest for life to every single day of our aunt and ours. The world is a little less bright, a little less fun without you in it. But I'm forever grateful for the years of affection and companionship you gave us. You will always, always be our lovely Bobby. We love you, forever and ever!

  • 05/28/2024

    ¡Bobby! Fuiste muy amado y siempre estarás en los corazones de aquellos que tuvimos la alegría de conocerte, ahora seguramente puedes correr libre y sin dolor. Qué placer haber podido jugar contigo❤️ vuela alto, pequeño ángel de 4 patas

  • 05/25/2024

    Querido y simpático Bobby , es muy extraño saber que no vas a estar presente físicamente entre nosotros . Recuerdo algunas anécdotas contigo como el día del gato salvaje , la manera como te emocionabas cuando yo llegaba a casa en Venezuela , algunos saltos que dabas de un sitio al otro y lo rápido que corrias cuando estabas en espacios libres , tu mamá se debe de sentir súper orgullosa de toda la compañía y el amor que le demostrabas . Te vamos a extrañar mucho ❤️

  • 05/25/2024

    Te amo Bobby, porque estás en el cielo y también estoy muy orgulloso de ti porque jugamos mucho , eres el mejor perrito del mundo .

  • 05/25/2024

  • 05/25/2024

  • 05/25/2024

    Bobby del corazón ❤️✨ fuiste la compañía de mi hermana del corazón. Compartiendo vida, momentos, lazos. Todo una vida. Espero que donde estés sepas que fuiste el perrito más amado y cuidado. Descansa en Paz que todos cuidamos de nuestra Emily ❤️✨ gracias por hacerla feliz y sobre todo construir amor durante tantos años. Te amamos por siempre ✨

  • 05/24/2024

    So many memories with you Bobby, always playful but protective, barking at haters and always by Emily's side. You earned such an important role and you were blessed with a wonderful mom who always put you as #1 priority no matter what others said. You leave this world in physical matter, please keep watching over mommy from heaven. Please comfort her as she heals and finds new ways of love and affection. Feliz viaje Malika! Marthica

  • 05/24/2024

    Mama te extraña mucho, quisiera poder abrazarte y sostenerte una vez mas mi Bobby, mi angel, has dejado un gran vacio en mi vida y en mi corazon. Te amo tanto mi niño, el cielo esta de fiesta porque recibió al perrito mas dulce y bueno el mas noble, gracias por haberte ido en paz, gracias por regalarme tanta paz en uno de los dias mas dolorosos de mi vida. Te amaré y extrañaré siempre Bobby.

  • 05/24/2024

    Hello. You don't know me but I do subscribe to the obituaries here to see the stories people share about their pets who have crossed over Rainbow Bridge ( So sorry for your loss of Bobby. Thank you so much for sharing his story! I can see from that and others comments that he meant the world to you and had a tremendous impact on your family! And what a handsome little boy! Love that droopy ear😊. Our pets do bring so much unconditional love and joy to our lives. They truly are family members who we create and share memories with. Keep those with you and he will live on in your heart forever. RIP Bobby.

  • 05/24/2024

    Bobby, i miss you so so so much but i am happy that you are resting and not with any pain no more. You were such a great dog and an awesome kid to your aunt. i know your life is better up there and that's what gets me calm. I promise we will take care of your mom. Love, Sofi

  • 05/23/2024

    Querido Bobby- te vamos a extrañar mucho. Espero que estás jugando mucho en el cielo. Vigila y cuida tu mamá desde arriba. Te queremos mucho Bobby - Brad y Chosy

  • 05/23/2024

    Bobby was such a special guy. He was and always will be such a special part of his Mom Emily's life. They were inseparable and their love for each other was unconditional. It is impossible to think of Emily without thinking of Bobby. Bobby was not Emily's dog he was her son and her baby, and Bobby was her protector. I am sure he is in Heaven right now watching over her. Bobby you will always be loved and missed so much by your Mom and so many others that love you and her.

  • 05/23/2024

    Querido Bobby, tu partida nos ha dolido profundamente, pero sabemos que estás ahora en un lugar maravilloso lleno del amor y la paz que mereces por haber sido un alma tan buena y noble. Gracias por enseñarme a quererte más allá de mis temores. Te amo Bobby ❤️

  • 05/23/2024

    Bobby mi amor eterno te amare siempre, Gracias por enseñarme el amor incondicional. Until we meet again my sweet and good boy.

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