Christmas Angel Friedman

11/17/2012 - 06/25/2024


Obituary For Christmas Angel Friedman

Our precious baby girl was left in a box on the doorstep five days before Christmas. She was so little. Her brothers were so curious, but Mr. Timmy was so loving and affectionate we could not help but name her Timmy’s Christmas angel. Shortly after we found her, she had three major heart problems and wouldn’t be with us more more than 3 to 4 years. Against the odds, our love and her love for us and her brothers that was not going to be five meds twice a day. She was a trooper. Christmas never complained about taking the medication, we just said, “Christmas, medicine,” and she would come running. Our hearts are broken.

We will love you forever,

Mommy, Daddy, Gary, Sam, and Alfie

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  • 09/07/2024

    Hi there. You don't know me but I do subscribe to the obituaries here to see the stories people share about their pets who have crossed over Rainbow Bridge ( So sorry for your loss of Christmas. Thank you so much for sharing her awesome story! I can see she meant the world to you and had a tremendous impact on your family! And what an awesome face 😊. Our pets bring so much unconditional love and joy to our lives. They truly are family members who we create and share memories with. Keep those with you and she will live on in your heart forever. RIP Christmas.

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