Grover Kanth

02/01/2013 - 03/19/2024


Obituary For Grover Kanth

Grover leaped into our hearts during the first meet and greet on the leap day in 2016. His sister was pleasantly surprised to see him when she returned from school and she spent the afternoon reading to him on her bed. That place became his favorite hang after she left home for college. He would often take a souvenir from her room and hide it in the backyard.
His fur sister had a wrestling match with him every time we had a visitor at home. His unconditional love and affectionate tail wag would quickly win over the hearts of all guests. The grandparents pampered him with a biscuit every morning and he would thank them with endless wags and stress them out by escaping the yard. We are thankful to all friends and family members for reciprocating the affection to our lover boy. His guy-liner eyes melted hearts and our hearts are now broken by his sudden departure. He had been suffering quietly in pain and left us on March 19, 2024, another leap year. Grover, you will always be loved.

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  • 03/27/2024

    Always with his waggy tail. Big boy but puppy inside. His Nani will be happy to see him. He will be missed by everyone who knew him even for a minute!

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