Lucky Adame

04/22/2009 - 04/14/2023


Obituary For Lucky Adame

Lucky was brought to me at 4 weeks old. So tiny he could fit into the palm of my hand. Soon I realized his excitement and energy was toxic. He was an only “child” for 8 years. Spoiled beyond measure what made him happiest was being with his Mommy. We traveled cross country and back. For his 2nd birthday he was given a betta fish as a pet who was appropriately named Kemba. Lucky would spend hours on end watching Kemba swim. That was his pet. The memories made last a lifetime. In 2018 his baby brother was born. It wasn’t long before he took a back seat but remained a steadfast protector of his “baby human.” Mommy was both disappointed and enthused with the word “Lucky” was spoken well before “Mommy” was uttered. Lucky remained vigilant over his brother and reluctantly accepted all the baby hugs and kisses. Lucky was his mommy’s buddy for almost 14 years. The one constant which was guaranteed. Lucky you will be forever loved and immensely missed. We love you forever and always. P.S. Be our guarding Angel and make our dreams Purrfect! We love you!

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