Lulu “Boone” Alvarez

3/6/2013 - 10/22/2024


Obituary For Lulu “Boone” Alvarez

It is with the heaviest heart that we share that this Tuesday, October 22nd, we said goodbye to our sweet sweet girl, Lulu "Boone" Alvarez. Lulu was a beautiful soul inside and out. Everyone who met her loved her. She even turned some who did not like or were even afraid of cats into fans. She was gentle, loving, sweet, and loved being loved on by her family. When we first brought her home, she was quite shy and hid in in the laundry room, but it wasn't long before we would find her snoozing by the window, or curled up in her favorite spot on the couch. She wasn't the most "active" of cats. She was certainly more lover than fighter- never one to bite, scratch, or show aggression to anyone- including vets and groomers. Everyone was always amazed at her gentle and sweet demeanor. She knew the people around her were there to take care of her. She loved to bathe in the sun whenever and wherever she could find spot in the house and would rotate onto her back to feel it warm her little belly. But her favorite of all was snuggling with her mom and dad. She loved to announce herself with a little chirp when she jumped onto our couch or bed, and turn on her "motor" as she climbed onto our chests for a long cuddle and purr session. She would reach up her little paws like she was hugging us, her chest on ours- heart to heart. We loved the little nose boops and head butts she would sprinkle in. Lulu was a fighter through the end. Last May, she was diagnosed with intestinal lymphoma and had open abdominal surgery and chemotherapy. Our girl fought it and won. Our girl pushed through a poor prognosis and was there for us through our pregnancy losses and never left our side. Early this spring we found out we had a healthy pregnancy that would soon be her baby sister the same day we had a new scan of Lulu that showed no signs of cancer. Unfortunately, this is when we learned that our girl had congestive heart failure- a terminal diagnosis. Lulu fought with all of her might to stay with us as long as she could, but eventually the disease and rigorous medications wore her little body down. She gave us her signs that she was ready to rest. We are so grateful that in our home, in the sun, we were able to hold her close while she purred and kiss her little nose as she entered the big sleep. You will be missed every day of our lives, Lulu. We love you so much our sweet baby.

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  • 10/27/2024

    Hi there. You don't know me but I do subscribe to the obituaries here to see the stories people share about their pets who have crossed over Rainbow Bridge ( So sorry for your loss of Lulu. Thank you so much for sharing so much of her story. I can see she meant the world to you and obviously had a tremendous impact on your life. And what a beautiful girl she was😊. Our pets bring so much unconditional love and joy to our lives. They truly are family members who we create and share memories with. Keep those with you and she will live on in your heart forever. RIP Lulu.

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