Meekah Thomas

03/20/2012 - 03/02/2024


Obituary For Meekah Thomas

Our sweet Meekah a 12 year old husky. You were the runt of the litter but made a huge impact on your lives. Your greetings as we came home your howling, your jumping up and down for food, you actually smiling at us when you were excited is going to be missed. My heart is broken right now but I know you are no longer in pain. I know you are at the rainbow bridge running around and happy. We love and miss you.

I wake up in the morning to
you not there
Your nails tapping on the floor
I no longer hear
Your blanket and toys have
all been put away
The space is so empty
where you use to lay
You’re not there to greet me
when I get home
There is a part of my heart
that feels so alone
The pain is heavy but
the memories are gold
One day we’ll unite
and you I will hold
It will take time to heal, for the
silence to go away
But my heart will wear the paw prints
left by you every day

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  • 03/07/2024 don't know me but I do subscribe to the obituaries here to see the stories people share about their pets who have crossed over Rainbow Bridge ( So sorry for your loss of Meekah. I can see Meekah meant the world to you and had a tremendous impact on your family 😊. Our pets bring so much unconditional love and joy to our lives. They truly are family members who we create and share memories with. Keep those with you and Meekah will live on in your heart forever. RIP Meekah.

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