Rosy Viens
9/1/2014 - 12/22/2024
Obituary For Rosy Viens
Rosy the Rhodesian RIdgeback passed softly and gently from this life, aged ten and a half, warm in her bed and wrapped in her owner's arms, leaving a lifelong legacy of love, kindness, ruthless counter-surfing, opinionated demands, and true companionship behind. Rosy enjoyed parking herself between the legs of the people she loved the most, sitting during walks, perching in high places and tilting her head in detached confusion at human demands, napping in sunbeams, wolfing down stolen human food in a corner, wagging her tail at strangers, and letting the wind blow the world's scents through her nose and ears. Rosy is survived by her heartbroken adult owners, her two kids, and her sister Fern. Rosy was a true, faithful, fearless companion to her humans through thick and thin, going wherever the road led. Good night, sweet Rose.
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