At Paws, Whiskers & Wags, we specialize in private cremation services for pets. We guarantee that your pet is cremated on site at one of our facilities, by themselves in a dedicated chamber. You will receive your pet’s ashes back after private cremation services are complete.

The Pet Loss Professionals Alliance defines private pet cremation as,

“A cremation procedure during which only one animal’s body is present in the cremation unit during the cremation process.”

We guarantee our private cremations by using our PetTracker360. Each pet is assigned a unique PetTracker360 disc, either in front of you or by your veterinary clinic staff. We encourage you to view this disc with your pet. The disc stays with your pet the entire time they are in our care and is returned with your pet’s ashes. We modeled our PetTracker360 after the standard of care required by law in human funeral homes. Each pet is a member of the family and deserves to be treated as one.

You are welcome to view and witness your loved one’s private cremation. We do not charge you or your family to visit our facilities or for access to your own pet – we offer these services free of charge. We simply ask that you coordinate a time with us so that we may ensure we have a private room available for your family.

Each private cremation includes a PetTracker360, a lock of fur keepsake, a temporary vessel to holding your pet’s cremated remains, and a certificate of cremation. We also offer a clay memorial pawprint keepsake for purchase. We can also photograph your pet’s nose and paw if you are interested in purchasing a personalized keepsake, such as an engraved pawprint keychain – just let us know when we are going over arrangements with you.

Please contact us for private pet cremation services in the metro Atlanta, GA area, including Marietta and Covington, and Charlotte and Hickory, NC.

Private Cremation Services Pricing

Pet Weight (in lbs) Pricing
0-3 $99
4-15 $189
16-30 $219
31-55 $239
56-85 $269
86-125 $299
125+ $319
Black cat with yellow eyes and spaniel dog facing one another

Frequently Asked Questions - Private Cremation

What is private cremation?

Private cremation is a cremation procedure during which only one pet is present in the cremation machine during the cremation process. Your pet’s ashes are returned to you after private cremation services are completed.

What are the types of pet cremation?

Private cremation services, when we cremate each pet alone and return their ashes back to the family

Community cremation services, when we cremate pets communally and return their ashes respectfully back to the earth

Some pet crematories also offer semi-private cremation services, where pets are placed into the cremation chamber together and are separated by temporary walls. Unfortunately, they often call these services ‘private cremation services’, which is deliberately misleading. We believe that there are only truly private cremations and community cremations, and we complete those services in separate, purpose built equipment on-site at our facilities.

How do I know it is my pet's ashes?

We guarantee you receive your pet’s ashes by using our PetTracker360, which is modeled after human funeral home procedures and standards. Each pet in our care receives a unique PetTracker360 disc. This disc stays with your loved one the entire time they are in our care, including in the cremation chamber, and is returned with your loved one’s remains after our services are completed.

This identifies your loved one while they are with us, and is our guarantee to you that you are receiving your loved one, and only your loved one, after our services are complete.

Where is my pet cremated?

All pets are cremated on site at one of our cremation facilities, and we welcome you to visit and witness your pet’s private cremation. We use dedicated, purpose built private cremation equipment, that is regularly maintenanced and operated by trained cremation technicians.

When is my pet cremated?

We typically proceed with private cremation services within 24 -48 hours of finalizing arrangements with you. This includes getting written or verbal permission to proceed from you, the pet parent, or your veterinary clinic staff, if they contracted our services on your behalf. We do not proceed with cremation until we have received permission to do so.

Cremation typically lasts one hour to several hours, depending on the size of your pet. When cremation is complete, we will contact you when our services are complete and you can bring your pet back home.

Will you pick up my pet from my home?

We can facilitate a housecall service, where we bring your loved one into our care from your personal residence for cremation. Our staff are respectful, caring, and discrete when visiting your home. We utilize stretchers for safely transporting larger pets.

We will need to coordinate this with you in advance, and please be prepared to provide information about your location, e.g. close parking, stairways and/or elevators, the location of your pet, securing other pets in the household, clearing a navigable path through your home, etc. Housecall services are priced separately from cremation services.

Can I watch my pet's cremation?

Yes, we allow all families to watch, or witness, their loved ones’ private cremation services, at no additional charge. Your pet is your family, and we are honored to have you witness the process of private cremation. We facilitate time to visit with your pet and view your pet going into the private cremation chamber. Our facilities all have private rooms that you can use to hold a final visitation, a ceremony, or simply have time for private reflection. Please contact us to coordinate witnessing a private cremation.